Advanced Sprouting Kit


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Advanced Sprouting Kit

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  • Growing supplies for:
    • 4 Trays of Wheatgrass ( 3.2 lb wheat seed )
    • 5 Trays of Sunflower ( 2 lb sunflower seed )
    • Broccoli Sprouts ( 1.5 lb broccoli seed )
    • Radish Sprouts  ( 2 lb radish seed )
    • Lentil Sprouts ( 3 lb lentil seed )
  • Full Spectrum Fluorescent Grow Light (27W – $40 value)
  • 4 Plastic Black Trays – 10×20″
  • Organic Compost Soil Mix (for 8 trays)
  • Wheat, Broccoli, Sunflower, Radish & Lentil Seeds – Highest Quality
  • Spray Bottle (for misting)
  • Detailed Growing Instructions (from the experts)

Sprouts & Wheatgrass are easy to grow at home, only take 3-10 days, and are among the most nutrient-dense, anti-inflammatory and immune-system-boosting foods on earth.  As the seed is nutritionally activated through the process of germination (sprouting), the nutrients in the seed are more bioavailable and about 20-100 times more nutrient-dense than in the adult plant. 

This kit will be enough for you to get started with sprouting at home and provide enough sprouts & microgreens to supplement with for about 4-8 weeks.


This is one of the only wheatgrass/microgreen/sprouting kits found online which has an optional grow light, an important component for growing top-quality greens.  According to Harley, President at Perfect Foods, you simply won’t be impressed with the color or taste of window-grown grass/microgreens. This full-spectrum fluorescent light can grow 1 full tray at a time, is energy efficient, and has an adjustable goose-neck design.

Buyers should know that Perfect Foods has been the premier wheatgrass grower in the world for many years. Our quality supplies, detailed growing instructions with tips direct from the “Wheatgrass King”, and excellent customer service will make growing wheatgrass & microgreens Fun and Easy.

If you have questions, growing challenges, or need more supplies, give us a call! 845-651-2012


Health Benefits:


Wheatgrass must be juiced/chewed and spit out or rid of the fiber.

  • Contains: Vitamins: A, B-Complex, C, D, E, K Minerals: Iron, Magnesium, Selenium etc. Chlorophyl, Amino-Acids, Antioxidants. 1 oz of wheatgrass juice is equivalent to about 2.5 lb of green vegetables and is recommended to drink 2-4 oz daily on an empty stomach.

Sunflower Microgreens are hearty and crunchy in flavor and among the highest levels of protein than any other green. We suggest to have 4-8 oz daily to have optimum nutrient intake.

Radish Sprouts are spicy and highly concentrated in vitamins and minerals. They are great for topping on salads, sandwiches, avocado toast, soup, fish, and any dish to add flavor, color and nutrients.

Broccoli Sprouts are mild flavor and extremely inflammatory and high in sulfurophane which is known to be one of the most immune system boosting and anti-cancer foods.

Lentil Sprouts are extremely high in protein, starch, fiber, vitamins and minerals and are a delicious addition to any salad or to eat as a snack.


broccoli sprouts jarIMG 9662 scaled e1584811167431

Sprouting Instructions:

  1. Soak seeds in water (twice the height of the seeds) in a bowl overnight 8-12 hrs.
    Radish (~3 tbsp seed / batch)    Broccoli (~2 tbsp seed / batch)   Lentil (~ 1/2-1 cup / batch)
  2. Drain seeds and rinse with fresh water in morning.  You can do this with a  fine strainer, cheese cloth, or mesh-covered jar. Good Airflow, moisture level, and drainage is important.  Store at room temperature & cover with a moist paper towel or cloth.  If using a jar method, keep it stored upside down at an angle for drainage.
  3. Rinse again and stir/shake in the evening.
  4. Rinse 1-2 times/day and stir / shake for additional 3-5 days to taste (usually with tail being less than inch).  You can get them slightly green by adding light for the last day.
  5. Once complete, wait 12 hours since last rinse and store in fridge. Use a produce bag, jar, or container with paper towel to absorb moisture. Should store for at least a week (recommended to eat them quickly).

Sunflower Microgreens Tray Sproutswheatgrass Perfect Foods New York

Wheatgrass/Microgreens Growing Instructions:

  1. (Day 1-3) Steps 1-4 in “Sprouting Instructions”
  2. (Day 3)Plant sprouted seeds in .5-1″ of soil in 10″ x 20″ tray. Water tray with a gentle midst thoroughly. Cover with an empty tray to keep seeds dark.
  3. (Day 3-5)Water 1-2 times a day and recover tray for 2 days in the dark.
  4. (Day 6-10) Uncover the tray and keep in full-spectrum LED light or indirect sunlight. Water 1-2 times a day when soil is dry.
  5. (Day 10) Microgreen tray will last for about 5-10 days in the refrigerator. Harvest by cutting with scissors or a knife/razor. Harvested product in a container with paper towel will last 5-7 days in the refrigerator.

More Info:

  • 10 day old baby plants at their most nutritious stage
  • 20-100 times the nutrients as adult plants
  • Studies show them to: Support immune system, have anti-cancer properties, reduce autism symptoms, be chemo-protective, liver detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, reduce blood sugar, etc.
  • Recommended dosage of wheatgrass and microgreens / sprouts :
    • Detoxing/healing:
      •  4-6 oz of wheatgrass daily on an empty stomach
      • 4-8 oz of microgreens daily
    • Maintain health:
      • 2-4 oz of wheatgrass daily on an empty stomach
      • 4 oz of microgreens daily

To sprout microgreen seeds, we first soak and rinse them to remove enzyme inhibitors and to  help initiate germination.  As the seed is nutritionally activated through the process of sprouting, it begins to break down starches into simpler carbohydrates, fats into fatty acids and proteins into amino acids.  This in effect makes these nutritional properties more bioavailable to us when we consume them. 

Each particular sprouted variety is composed of their own complex of vitamins, minerals and unique health enhancing constituents, but one of the great benefits that all sprouts have in common is their high enzyme content.  They are very helpful for breaking down the foods we eat into usable nutrients and processing undigested waste material.  Sprouts & microgreens assist in activating the immune system and are cleansing to the body.  Those high in chlorophyll are effective at removing toxins from the cells and lymphatic system.  They are also high in dietary fiber & starch which promotes healthy bowel movements and intestinal function.

2 reviews for Advanced Sprouting Kit

  1. Rated 4 out of 5

    Margaret (verified owner)

    Good product

  2. Rated 5 out of 5

    Terri (verified owner)

    Can’t wait to get started!! Fast and easy ordering. Received quickly. Excellent customer service.

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